Title "152 days"

Material/technique: acrylic paint on bedsheet, hand embroidery, textile application.


Title "271 days"

Material/technique: acrylic paint on bedsheet, hand embroidery, textile application.


Title "29 days"

Material/technique: acrylic paint on pillow case, hand embroidery, textile application.



Title "482 days"

Material/technique: acrylic paint on bedsheet, hand embroidery, construction and machine sewing.


Tilte "Aalone together"

Material/technique: acrylic paint on bedsheet, hand embroidery, textile application with curtain.


- Click picture for more

Title "333 days"

Material/technique: acrylic paint on bedsheet, hand embroidery, textile application.


Title "34 days" "107 days" "233 days"

Material/technique: acrylic paint on bedsheet, pillowcase. Hand embroidery and textile application.

Title "Alone"

Material/technique: acrylic paint, hand embroidery and textile application.


Title "Better"

3 pieces

Material/technique: acrylic paint on bedsheet, hand embroidery and textile application.


Title "Resurrection"

An artfilm

- Click picure for more

Tilte "Trapped in your mind"

Material/technique: acrylic paint, hand embroidery and textile application.


Title "Unclear"

Material/technique: acrylic paint om jeans, hand embroidery and textile application.


Title "After sun and after rain"

Material/technique: hand embroidery and textile application.


Title "Never forget"

Material/technique: acrylic paint on bedsheet, hand embroidery and textile application of curtain.


Title "Just a feeling"

Material/technique: acrylic paint and machine stitches.


Title "Never forget 2"

Material/technique: acrylic paint, hand embroidery and textile application.



Title "Bærekraft"


Material/technique: cutrain/construction and machine sewing.

Our life story, our memories, our thoughts and feelings are something we carry with us all the time. The uniqueness of each one of us is precisely the narrative that is ourselves and our own life cycle. Her stories become part of a shared world.

"The neighbor had 10 white hens that he called Italians. They roamed freely, clawed and chopped on the ground and kicked dirt and pebbles in all directions. On my early explorations and walks around Høybråten, I often passed by the neighbors chicken coop. One day that I was out walking and passing the chicken coop, I saw something that I'd never seen before. I stood nailed to the spot with a view of my neighbor's doing. One by one, the 10 beautiful Italians had to pay with their lives. With a chopping stick and an axe as a tool, the neighbor did a short process on Håkon and the other Italians. Headless hens were scattered around, and when their heads were chopped off, the neighbor just threw them away and grabbed the next one. But the strange thing was that the hens fluttered headless for a while before it fell over. Suddenly, the neighbor discovered he had a witness to the massacre. He became enraged and roared out; "Get out of here, you brat, don't stand there and stare." I jumped sky high and ran off as fast as my legs could carry me. After that day, I never walked past my neighbor's chicken coop again. The massacre of the beautiful Haakon and the hens made an indelible impression on me that is stuck in my childhood memories."

- Elin Berntzen